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Expertise in real estate

Why expertise in Real Estate Valuation ?

Why expertise in Real Estate Valuation ? - Lexpertissimmo

 Real Estate Valuation expertise is generally intended to determine the market value of a property, its mortgage lending value, its rental value or any compensation. It is at the heart of most of our projects. This activity allows you to advise, assist, defend your clients, or defend yourself, in diverse situations such as: donations, liquidations of community property, inheritance, property tax and finally tax adjustments.... for all types of Real Estate, using methods and tools for analyzing the legal, economic, technical and fiscal factors of value in accordance with the Charter of Expertise in Real Estate Valuation, 5th edition of March 2017, and the European Evaluation Standards 2016 of TEGBVA's Blue Book, 8th edition. It's the use of these methods and tools, as well as their control, which differentiates expertise in Real Estate Valuation from the simple attestation value.

Mortgage credit reform

On 1st July 2016 the first provisions of Directive 2014/17/EU of 4th February 2016 transposed by Order 2016-351 of 25th March 2016, codified in the re-arranged Consumer Code, came into effect. They erased the previous Right, started in 1979.

Main Consequences :

  • Formalism hardens this pre-contractual system, the general principle of which is also included in the new Civil Code, as of October 1, 2016 (article 1112-1 of this Code).
  • Real Estate Valuation expertise is integrated into the lender's scheme as an optional service to improve consumer protection and the quality of real estate loan distribution.

For Whom ?

Real Estate Valuation expertise targets individuals, often as part of a heritage organization or a family affairs management.

It is also aimed at a public of professionals:

  • Lawyers, in a mutual agreement or litigation procedure,
  • Notaries, for advice given,
  • Wealth managers, for heritage strategies,
  • Real estate agents, in order to sell at the right price,
  • Banks, in view of a loan,
  • Civil Real Estate Companies, as part of renegotiations,
  • Associations, for asset declaration,
  • Traders, when buying or selling property, when renegotiating a lease,
  • ...

The interest here, all people combined, is to agree on a value at the right price, with unanimity, which stems from recognised and controlled methods.

On What ?

Evaluation of all types of property

Whatever the exploitation

Whatever the occupation





Shops :  boutiques, hotels ...





Whole buildings

Craft activity



Craft activity


How ?

Expertise in Real Estate Valuation requires methodology and good control of it.

The signing of a contract to understand the pros and cons of the demand is essential.

The visit of all the property is essential as is doing a market study after the analysis of the factors of its value, as quoted previously.

The methods used vary according to the typology of the property, the house will be evaluated probably by the methods of comparison and capitalisation, a shop at the foot of the building will be evaluated by methods of comparison and performance while a hotel will be seen apply the hotel method…

This control that we have over the methods of expertise and our career in Professional Continuing Education allow us to adapt our speech to our interlocutor when submitting the report or reconciling the parties involved.

European's Cerifications

European's Cerifications - Lexpertissimmo